Two Ways To Beat Facebook Zero With Free Advertising

Facebook Zero is making it harder for pages to reach their audiences, but there are still ways to get exposure for your brand on Facebook without paying any money - which is well worth it given the huge numbers of Facebook users.

23 Feb 2018


Using keywords for Google ranking

Choosing keywords for your website content to help your Google ranking is essential for good search-engine-optimisation (SEO). Here's how to apply them to your content

16 Nov 2015

Social networks becoming like Amazon and eBay

Get ready for social commerce: When social networks become like giant Amazon and eBay sites, early adaptors will do best while competition is small and pricing is low.

10 Aug 2015

Why your site's rank in Google Search may drop

Your site may be top dog in Google but after April 21 its ranking may slip if it is not mobile-friendly. Fix it up now so you don't lose your ranking to mobile-friendly competitors.

28 Mar 2015

Why your Facebook likes may drop

Don't be alarmed if your Facebook likes drop suddenly: From today, likes made by people who have since left Facebook or passed away, will be removed.

12 Mar 2015


How to stop rogue web hosters

Unregulated website hosters the world over have the potential to cause economic and personal havoc, which is a poses a huge risk that we all need to think about.

1 Sept 2014


How to restore deleted content

You can salvage deleted website content by searching in Google's cached images.  We had to do this when our content was...

27 Jul 2014

Beware scam web hosters and domain name registrars

What would happen to your website or domain name if your web hoster or domain name registrar disappeared? How would you access either? 

22 May 2014

Eek for Keek - choose carefully to avoid a pants brand

When the folks at the new app Keek decided on its name, it’s doubtful they did much brand research, as in some parts of the world the word keek has unfortunate connotations.

11 Jan 2014

Why teens leaving Facebook is good for business

My friend’s daughter is a modern teen: she wants a tattoo, wears ear stretchers and has recently left Facebook along with many of her peers, but this is not all bad news.

4 Jan 2014

Going digital in tough economic times

The world’s economy has slowed, and small businesses need to spend ever more wisely. Here are five reasons why going digital is still a good idea.

13 Nov 2013

Get more customers by sharing what you know

Sharing what you know with others makes the world a better place and can also earn you customer loyalty, website traffic and potential sales.

27 Oct 2013